Barrett primes supporters for ‘biggest day in Wisconsin history’
By Kay Nolan, June 4, 2012
An animated Tom Barrett, wearing a blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up, told his supporters that “the biggest day in Wisconsin history” is tomorrow.
“We saw the largest grass-roots movement that has ever been part of Wisconsin,” Barrett said to wildly cheering volunteers at a campaign office on Milwaukee’s near south side.
Citing a John Doe probe that has ensnared former Walker aides, Barrett said, “People in Wisconsin instinctively know when there’s something wrong and they know there’s something wrong when you’ve got a governor who has to have a criminal defense fund.”
Once again, Barrett raised the question of why Walker won’t release emails and other information about the probe. Barrett also defended Milwaukee.
“He’s had a lot of fun picking on this city,” said Barrett of Walker. “That’s wrong because this is a great city that understands that there is racial diversity, there is economic diversity and we don’t turn our back on people. They had their fun but now it’s our turn.”